Now Hiring! Development & Database Associate / Database Manager
JFRE is seeking a seeking a full-time Development & Database Associate OR Database Manager to join our dynamic Developm…
JFRE is seeking a seeking a full-time Development & Database Associate OR Database Manager to join our dynamic Developm…
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, which issues endorsements under the name The Jewish Vote, jointly endorses Brad Lan…
Send an email to Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, and your City Council Member to demand they stand up to Trump…
Build JFREJ's people power!
In 2025, JFREJ will be making endorsements in the NYC mayoral race, as well as considering endorsing in a small number …
Sign our petition calling on NYC mayoral candidates to support a rent freeze!
Sixty members and leaders of New York's Jewish community begged Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul to fight aga…
JFREJ is officially kicking off our endorsement process!
Our priority issues in the fight to make New York City a place where everyone can access the care they need; a city whe…
Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ) makes endorsements under the name The Jewish Vote.
Take two minutes to contact Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul and tell them: If Eric Adams does not resign, Hochul must r…