The Jewish Vote
We're using Jewish Left electoral power to send progressive champions, socialists, and reformers, to City Hall and Albany
About The Jewish Vote
The Jewish Vote is the electoral arm of Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, and the name JFREJ uses to make endorsements. JFREJ’s electoral work is where New York Jews organize to secure a pluralistic city that works for all of us through the power of the Jewish vote. We are intellectuals, day school kids, bubbes, queers, geeks, resistance moms, carpenters, bartenders, lawyers, nurses, farmers — deeply rooted cosmopolitans and proud members of the diaspora. We are Black and Brown, Latine and Asian, Mizrahi, Bukharian, Ashkenazi and Sephardi, immigrant and US-born.
Together we are building a future with Medicare for All, universal childcare and home care, a homes guarantee, fair wages and working conditions for all, and an end to the mass incarceration and criminalization of people of color. The Jewish Vote is at the forefront of efforts to hold accountable both the Democratic Party and the Jewish establishment, who too often serve the interests of the donor class at the expense of the rest of us. The Jewish Vote endorses candidates who will fight alongside us to achieve all of this and more.

In 2018, our Jewish votes and voices helped elect a new generation of reformers and radicals; Jews and non-Jews like Julia Salazar, Alessandra Biaggi, Zellnor Myrie, and Jumaane Williams. In 2020, we helped defeat Trump and sent Rep. Jamaal Bowman to Congress. In 2021, we elected another cohort of visionary leaders, including: NYC Comptroller Brad Lander; and NYC Council superstars like Tiffany Cabán, Sandy Nurse, Shahana Hanif, and Alexa Avilés. 2024 saw some victories and some defeats, with JFREJers organizing for Prop 1 and #Nix2through6, as part of the Leave It Blank campaign, and fighting to Reject AIPAC.