Tirdof: New York Jewish Clergy for Justice is a project of T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights and Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ Community).

Tirdof is the home for Jewish clergy to organize with our neighbors and allies for a New York City with freedom, opportunity, & dignity for all. Tirdof is a supportive home for learning, organizing, and action for a powerful and committed cohort of Jewish clergy committed to pursuing justice in New York City.

It is a place for rabbis, cantors, and clergy students in formation to learn about human rights and key racial and economic justice issues, develop organizing skills, build community with like-minded peers, and leverage a powerful moral voice in pivotal local campaigns.

Through strong commitment to the values of justice, truth and peace-- דין אמת ושלום (Pirkei Avot 1:18)-- Tirdof seeks to build power among local Jewish clergy who are committed to human rights and social justice, to build a more vibrant culture of connection and organizing among our most powerful moral leaders.


Tirdof members at the 2022 JFREJ Latke Lunch
Rabbis & Pastors welcoming homeless neighbors at the Lucerne Hotel, 2021

Tirdof is organizing to:

  1. Use all available vacant housing stock, NYCHA units and vouchers to rehouse homeless New Yorkers.
  2. Immediately end encampment sweeps & quality of life criminalization that target homeless New Yorkers.
  3. Provide access to public, taxpayer-funded bathrooms in subways & in streets.
  4. Provide safe and dignified shelter and other vital services to all New Yorkers, including new migrants.
Photo by Paul Frangipane
Advocating for Homes Now, Homes for Generations!