On Sept. 25, 2012, Emergency Services Unit officers shot and killed Mohamed Bah in his own home after his mother called 911 for an ambulance and police showed up first. None of the officers responsible were ever held accountable by the NYPD or the state or federal criminal justice systems. However, in Nov. 2017, the jury for the Mohamed Bah civil suit ruled that Officer Edwin Mateo was liable for using excessive force against Mohamed, and Lt. Michael Licitra (the commanding officer on the scene) was liable for failure to supervise. While rulings of liability in civil suits cannot result in officers being held criminally accountable or disciplined by the NYPD, these rulings and the conclusion of the civil trial offered Mohamed’s family some level of closure.
Now Mayor de Blasio’s attorneys have shattered this small amount of peace, first by filing qualified immunity motions – which Judge Kevin Castel upheld for Licitra – and most recently, by filing an appeal of the excessive force ruling against Mateo. Not only could this appeal mean the overturning of the excessive force ruling, it is continuing the Bah family’s suffering and may force them to endure another trial during which they will, yet again, relive the horrors of Mohamed’s death at the hands of the NYPD.
Come out to City Hall on Wed. Aug. 1, 12pm to tell Mayor de Blasio it’s time to stop putting the Bah family through endless suffering and demand he drop the Bah civil suit appeal!