Join JFREJ every Friday in August to phonebank in support of the Fund Excluded Workers campaign. The Fund Excluded Workers campaign is calling on the state legislature to convene and pass a bill that would create $5.5 Billion by taxing billionaires, and establish a $3.5B emergency survival income fund for excluded workers across the state of New York. It won’t be easy - the legislature isn’t even required to reconvene this summer - but the survival of communities depends on it. COVID-19 has devastated our communities. For nearly four months, undocumented workers and those who work in the cash economy (street vendors, farmworkers, domestic workers, day laborers, and more) have been excluded from state unemployment and federal benefits. People are going hungry and facing eviction, on top of mourning community members lost to COVID. Nearly 530,000 families have been affected. Emergency relief is needed.
Fund Excluded Workers Phone Bank