On Sunday, June 12, Pier Sixty at Chelsea Piers is hosting the right-wing Jewish Leadership Conference (JLC), sponsored by the ultra-conservative Tikvah Fund. The list of conference speakers is a who's who of public figures promoting homophobia, transphobia Islamophobia, misogyny, racism, nationalism, and religious fundamentalism. It includes politicians like Florida Governor Ron Desantis, who is on a crusade to roll back civil rights protections for queer people and to essentially criminalize trans existence in his state.
New York's Museum of Jewish Heritage was originally slated to host this conference but ultimately cancelled due to the inclusion of DeSantis. The Tikvah Fund and JLC are now hosting the conference at Chelsea Piers' Pier Sixty instead. New Yorkers, including queer, trans, and Jewish New Yorkers, have called on Chelsea Piers to act responsibly and decline to host this hateful event in our city. But Chelsea Piers has refused.
NOTE: United Against Racism and Fascism NYC is kicking off the day of protest at 8:00am sharp, meeting at the entrance to Pier Sixty (West Side Highway between W. 19th and 20th) and Rise & Resist is anchoring the protest in the afternoon. Our JFREJ contingent is gathering at 1:00pm but if that does not work for you, please join anytime you are able!