Rabbis for Ceasefire, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Kairos Center, Muslim Community Network NY, Faith for Black Lives, Hindus for Human Rights, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Adalah Justice Project, and Jews For Racial & Economic Justice are teaming up to build intentional Interfaith community through breaking our fast together, sharing prayer and ritual, and gathering to strengthen our shared call for ceasefire, justice, and freedom for Palestinians and us all.
NYC Interfaith Iftar & Breaking the Fast for a Permanent Ceasefire

Our best hope for a future of life, dignity, and flourishing is through multi-faith collaboration. Our cross-faith coalition demonstrates that durable safety only comes through solidarity.
Like so many, we mourned the loss of life on October 7th. We have since watched in horror and anguish as Israel has slaughtered over 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza with bombs and bullets paid for by the United States of America. Now Palestinians are facing a human-made famine, and at least 21 children have died of starvation. We know unequivocally that responding to violence with massive violence is not the solution and does not make anyone safer.
On March 21st our faith traditions will share in the ritual of fasting and breaking the fast during Ramadan, the Lenten season, and Taanit Esther (Jewish fast day). Local communities will come together to build multi-faith community by breaking fast together, sharing prayer and ritual, and practicing solidarity in this time of moral crisis. Across culture and faith, we will strengthen our call for ceasefire, justice, and freedom for Palestinians. We will call on President Biden and Congress for an immediate permanent ceasefire, to halt weapons funding to Israel, refund UNRWA and overall increase humanitarian aid to Gaza.