Join local Lenapehoking (NYC) cultural workers for a Rally and Read-In of The Freedom Theatre’s The Revolution’s Promise, at Astor Place, on Nakba Day, May 15, 6-10pm to educate and engage The Public Theater audience and passers-by about the targeting of Palestinian cultural workers, and celebrate Palestinian Cultural Resistance.
Join us as we respond to The Freedom Theatre’s call to uphold our responsibility as cultural workers, audiences, and human beings to help end the ongoing siege and genocide of Gaza and the apartheid occupation of Palestine.
We will be calling on The Public and other theater and arts orgs to call for a permanent Ceasefire Now and to join the ongoing cultural resistance movement!
Today marks six months since the Freedom Theatre’s Producer Mustafa Sheta was taken at gunpoint by the Israeli Military. He continues to be held without charge or trial.
Take action to demand Mustafa's release:
Sponsored by The Freedom Theatre (@thefreedomtheatre), Artists Against Apartheid (, Theatre Workers for a Ceasefire (@theaterworkersforaceasefire) JFREJ (@jfrejnyc), Dancers for Palestine (@dancers_for_palestine), Artists on the Front Line (@artistsonthefrontline), Radical Evolution (@radevolution)
Nakba Day Rally & Read-in: The Revolution's Promise