Turn out for the NYC City Council Budget Vote

JFREJ will be gathering at City Hall to support the Council Members who are voting NO on this terrible budget. Council Members who vote no often lose discretionary funding, committee chairs, and membership on the budget negotiating team. We need to turn out to have the backs of our allies in the City Council who are voting their conscience and standing up for everyday New Yorkers! SIGN UP BELOW!

JFREJers will be meeting at City Hall Park at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday to gather before going into the meeting. (We know this timing conflicts with the Queer Liberaton March; other JFREJ members will be there as well! Prioritize what feels best for you). Wear your JFREJ hat, pin or button! 

A note about accessibility: We're gathering outside in City Hall Park, and then heading inside City Hall. Please know that masks are not required in City Hall, and that attending means you will be indoors around unmasked people.