Book Talk - Safety Through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism

Please join Jews For Racial & Economic Justice at Bluestockings for a book talk with Ben Lorber & Shane Burley about their new book, Safety Through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism. See below for a description of the book!

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About the book:

Antisemitism is on the rise today. From synagogue shootings by white nationalists, to right-wing politicians and media figures pushing George Soros conspiracy theories, it’s clear that exclusionary, authoritarian movements are growing. By spreading division and fear, they put Jews, along with other marginalized groups and multiracial democracy itself, at risk.

And with Israel's genocidal war ongoing in Gaza, justice organizers facing unparalleled repression, white Christian nationalism on the rise and conversations around antisemitism more polarized than ever-- it's never felt more important to change the narrative on what antisemitism is and what it isn't, and to strengthen our movements for collective liberation. 

How can we stand in solidarity with Palestinians seeking justice, while also avoiding antisemitism — and resisting those who seek to conflate the two? How do we forge the coalitions across communities that we need, in order to overcome the politics of division and fear?

Safety Through Solidarity takes the fight against antisemitism out of the hands of genocide and status quo defenders, and into the hands of social movements. Using history, analysis and interviews with front-line organizers, Lorber and Burley situate the fight against antisemitism where it belongs– alongside the fight against all forms of oppression. They help us break the current impasse to understand how antisemitism works, what’s missing in contemporary debates, and how to build true safety through solidarity, for Jews and all people.