Get ready to fight for our democracy!
This election will either be the beginning of a fascist American future, or the first step in restoring our democracy. Donald Trump has told all of us that he is prepared to contest, suppress, undermine, and if all else fails, simply ignore the results of the election.
So it's up to us to defend our election, protect the results, and make sure every vote is counted. As Jews, many of us have ancestors who lived through a terrifying moment like this one, and all of us have experienced Trump's support for white supremacist terrorists and Christian nationalist antisemites. It’s critical that our voices be heard, loudly and clearly, at this critical turning point for our country.
I know I can count on you to show up in whatever way makes sense for you in the next few days. Some of us will take to the streets alongside our partners if our votes aren’t being counted. Others will take action remotely, supporting and protecting those in the streets by signing up to monitor JFREJ Homebase. Others will work to protect the process by signing up to become Election Defenders. But no matter what, all of us have a role to play.

Take to the streets
To receive updates about how to mobilize and organize in your borough, join your local WhatsApp group for timely alerts and rapid response coordination from JFREJ.
- Manhattan:
- Brooklyn:
- Queens:
- Bronx:
- Staten Island/NJ:
Get ready to show up visibly as Jews Against Fascism!
- Check this doc to see which JFREJ members are holding down distribution of free swag in your geographic area. Reach out to them to coordinate pick-up of Jews Against Fascism posters, masks, and stickers!
- And if you’d like to order a classic JFREJ t-shirt, please fill out this form. You will also be able to pick these up from your neighborhood’s distributor. Shirts are $15 a piece and payment will be taken by Venmo @JFREJ-JFREJ
Take Action to Protect the Results of the Election!
- It’s not too late to become an Election Defender. Attend a training or watch a recording today!
Join our network to support and protect each other in the coming days.
JFREJ Homebase is a remote, member-run system to ensure that our members get home safe from protests and have their emergency contacts alerted if we haven't heard from them. At this time, it does not include jail support if our members are arrested.
- Sign up here to volunteer remotely for a Homebase shift between November 3rd-10th (no prior training required).
- Sign up here to request Homebase support between November 3rd-10th (see criteria for signing up in the form)
Sign up to receive pastoral care
In this moment of escalating anti-Blackness, state violence, and voter suppression, many of us are feeling grief, pain, anxiety and trauma. What we are witnessing first-hand can bring up a lot, and our community is grateful to have systems of care and support in this time. If you are looking to spend a little time in the next few weeks with a Jewish spiritual leader or rabbi for support, counseling, or connection, please take a moment to fill out this form, and we will connect you directly.
- Sign up here to receive pastoral care and support from a rabbi or spiritual leader over the next few weeks
Tikkun Leil
On Election Night, from 8-11 pm ET, we are co-sponsoring a Zoom program organized by T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights as an alternative to watching the election returns. The Tikkun will feature music, poetry, Torah, etc. that supports human rights and democracy, and presenters will include Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie, and poet Joy Ladin. Register here.