By all accounts, this year has tested us and pushed us in unimaginable ways. Life and death stakes propelled us to fight with and for the most vulnerable among us — with and for Black lives, with and for our elders in isolation, with and for our neighbors doing essential labor and getting zero relief, with and for immigrant families. The list is long, the assaults are relentless, the grief is real — but our resolve to keep each other safe, healthy, and thriving, is deep.
And this week, we’ve been celebrating that our movements can and do win sometimes, and that our efforts are not in vain. Our joy and our community belong to us and we get to have it, nurture it, relish in it, and embrace one another in it. Because we know that the future is ours for the taking — if we dare to keep rising together, fists up, with our eyes firmly on the prize.
We will celebrate those efforts, and the incredible tenacity and vision of our movement family, on Wednesday, December 16th — and we hope you’ll join us!
And so… drum roll, please…
JFREJ and The Jewish Vote are honored to be honoring the following mensches in the trenches at this year’s Mazals Breakthrough Party:

Jews for Jamaal, for their extraordinary efforts in securing a historic victory in the 2020 primaries and playing a leading role in electing Jamaal Bowman for Congress.
Let My People Go, for their sacred organizing that raised over $400k and released over 60 people from detention during the height of COVID-19 in NYS.
Anthonine Pierre, for her brilliant leadership in the citywide budget justice campaign to defund the NYPD, and to the Brooklyn Movement Center for their commitment to black-led, neighborhood-based organizing in service of a city where we all have the freedom to thrive.
The nurses of NYSNA (New York State Nurses Association), for the tremendous, life-saving efforts they’ve contributed this year as frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19, often despite the lack of leadership from our elected leaders.

Join me in loving on these incredible leaders and giving them the recognition they so decidedly deserve. And - join me in coming together as a community so we can love on one another, reaffirm our commitment to our shared work, and keep building towards a future where everyone has the freedom, opportunity, and resources to thrive.
Will we see you there? All tickets fund the work of JFREJ and The Jewish Vote – building on the righteous legacy of our honorees. Click here to get your ticket. Tickets are sliding scale, starting at $1.
Y’allah, let’s celebrate and get free.