BROOKLYN, NY —  1000+ New Yorkers rallied as part of a national day of action today, calling on Vice President Harris to support an arms embargo to Israel ahead of the Democratic National Convention, which begins in Chicago on Monday, August 19th.

Protesters, led by a fleet of yellow cabs and rideshare drivers, members of the New York Taxi Workers Association, one of the many unions and labor organizations to sponsor the event, marched from Cadman Plaza Park to the Brooklyn Bridge Park pier. At the pier, protesters dropped red flowers into the water, as a symbol of the Palestinian national flower and the tens of thousands of Palestinian lives cut short by genocide.

Watch Spectrum News NY1's coverage of the rally and march below:

The protest comes on the heels of the U.S. approving another $20 billion in sales of fighter jets and weapons to Israel on Tuesday, even as the demand for an immediate ceasefire and arms embargo. A YouGov/IMEU poll this month found that a third of voters in key swing states would be more likely to vote for a Democratic nominee who pledges to withhold weapons to Israel. 

The over 1,000 New Yorkers gathered represented members of groups including the New York City Democratic Socialists of America, Bangladeshi Americans for Political Progress (BAPP), Adalah Justice Project (AJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP-NY), Muslims for Progress, MPower, IfNotNow NYC (INN-NYC), Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ), New York Progressive Action Network, Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM), Shoresh, NY-09 Neighbors for Palestine,Middle Collegiate Church, Judson Memorial Church, National Women’s Liberation, PACC, SURJ - NYC, No Tech for Apartheid Coalition, Dancers for Palestine, NYC War Resisters League, Brooklyn for Peace, World Can’t Wait, Peace Action NYS, and Common Defense. 

Labor unions and organizations, including Starbucks Workers United, National Writers Union, New York Taxi Workers Association, United Musicians and Allied Workers (UMAW), United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Eastern Region, MORE-UFT (Movement of Rank and File Educators), Association of Legislative Employees / NYC City Council Staff Union, Educators for Palestine, Association of Legislative Employees / NYC City Council Staff Union, Climbers United, Brandworkers,  Theater Workers for a Ceasefire, SAG-AFTRA Members for a Ceasefire were another major part of the demonstration. 

Israel’s war on Gaza has been the deadliest for journalists in modern history. As a U.S.-based union, we must highlight that Israel's ongoing violations of international law would not be possible without billions of dollars in U.S.-supplied weapons and the support of U.S. political leaders in both parties. As yet further escalation looms, it is journalists — our colleagues — who are in the crosshairs, answering the call to report on this violence and designated as targets by an unscrupulous military bent on covering up its crimes. NWU joins a growing movement of workers around the world to demand that our government stop arming Israel now," said Larry Goldbetter, President of the National Writers Union.

“Workers of Downstate NY Starbucks Workers United support the Not Another Bomb rally. Our organized labor defends against systems of displacement! We back an immediate US arms embargo on Israel for its occupation, displacement, and genocide of Palestinians,” said a spokesperson for Downstate NY Starbucks Workers United.

We’re marching for the future of the Democratic Party – one that chooses universal healthcare over endless war, education over bombs, care over punishment. That’s what we know will save lives in Gaza, beat Trump in November, and create the best conditions for our local organizing in the years ahead. Democratic voters as a whole are on our side. 70% want an arms embargo. 86% want a ceasefire.  It is the party that needs to move away from corporate power and the pro-war, anti-Palestinian establishment and towards the voters who demand: not another bomb, “ said Kelly Viselman of Jews For Racial & Economic Justice.

As Israeli anti-Zionists, we join the call for an immediate arms embargo on Israel. The Israeli regime uses American weapons to commit a genocide in Gaza, and it would like American taxpayers to believe that this makes us, the Israeli people, safe. Do not believe the regime’s lies: 75 years of ongoing nakba and apartheid did not deliver Jewish safety. In fact, our families and communities will remain unsafe as long as the Palestinian people remain oppressed and disenfranchised,“ said Asaf Calderon of Shoresh.

As Anti-Zionist families and caregivers of all kinds, we call loudly for an arms embargo. Ceasefire is the bare minimum. Families and children are being torn apart and we demand a more just and liberated world,” said a spokesperson for BK families for Palestine.

“Gaza has experienced over 70,000 tonnes of bombs dropped on it since October, more than the total amount of bombs dropped in WWII campaigns in Dresden, London, Hamburg, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki combined, in an area smaller than New York City. There is no safe place left in Gaza and no place where a bomb has not been dropped on the residents of Gaza. Bangladeshis in the United States have pleaded for over ten months to call for an arms embargo to ensure our taxpayer dollars stop facilitating an ongoing genocide. Ahead of the DNC, today, we re-amplify and march and rally in solidarity with what the majority of Americans want to see: A permanent and immediate ceasefire and an arms embargo now.” said Bangladeshi Americans for Political Progress.

"Veterans across the nation demand a ceasefire in Gaza because we know the true and lasting costs of war. By arming Israel to continue its bombing of civilians in Gaza the US government is complicit in a genocidal conflict. We need to employ every tool at our disposal, including an immediate arms embargo, to pressure the Netanyahu administration to agree to a ceasefire, negotiate for the release of hostages, and abandon its plans to expand settlements in Palestinian territories." said Jose Vasquez, Executive Director of Common Defense.

“As a person of faith, it is unfathomable to me that our government continues to actively fund the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians. Our elected leaders owe us accountability and change, and in the meantime, they owe us, as the bare minimum, an immediate end to their arming of this genocidal violence. I cannot have faith in a government that does not actively listen to the cries of those in immediate danger and to the cries of voters,"  said Reverend Micah Bucey, Senior Minister at Judson Memorial Church

“Musicians stand with other workers across the country to demand an arms embargo, a ceasefire, and a free Palestine. Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza is only possible with our government's material and political support. It is our continued responsibility to unite and do all that we can to ensure that not another bomb is sent for Israel's crimes,” said Joey La Neve DeFrancesco, United Musicians and Allied Workers.

“Just this week, the US approved over $20 billion in arms sales to Israel. Instead of funding an unfolding genocide, we should be providing healthcare, housing, and education. As New York City Council staff, we understand the immense needs in our communities, and the way that ongoing violence overseas has led to an uptick in hate crimes here at home," said Association of Legislative Employees President Daniel Kroop. "In June, ALE became the first City worker union to endorse the divestment of our pension fund, NYCERS, from Israel. Actions like today's demonstrate the growing momentum in the labor movement to end the war, build unity among workers of all faiths, and stand on the right side of history." 

“Brandworkers believes firmly in the old labor movement adage, 'an injury to one is an injury to all.' The struggle for justice doesn't know any borders. The Palestinian people have called on us to help end the state-sanctioned genocidal violence that has taken the lives of so many in Gaza. We will not ignore that call. In solidarity, we unite to demand an end to U.S. military aid to Israel. Through solidarity, we will achieve the dignity and justice all people deserve. Through collective action, workers can achieve anything,” said Gabriel Morales, Executive Director of Brandworkers.

"After nearly eleven months of Israel's relentless assault on the people of Gaza, with the entire population of Gaza displaced and succumbing to disease and starvation, in what is widely acknowledged to be genocide, it is long past time for the Biden Administration to follow our own laws and cut off military assistance to Israel. This is the only way to force Israel to agree to a ceasefire and for the United States to avoid being drawn into a catastrophic war with Iran.” Maria Ordoñez, Executive Committee member of the New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN).


ABOUT NOT ANOTHER BOMB: Not Another Bomb is a campaign from the National Uncommitted Movement, a coalition of organizations across the country calling for an arms embargo on the Israeli government. The National Uncommitted Movement led the “Leave it Blank” campaign that garnered 15% of votes across New York City. Learn more at