Enter the Raffle at the 2024 Mazals to Win Prizes!

Buy tickets to enter for a chance to win prizes at the 2024 Mazals on September 17th! Descriptions of the prizes and the form to purchase tickets are below.


Jewish Left Library: Israel-Palestine ($10/ticket)

This Jewish Left Library includes a broad range of ~20 books about Israel-Palestine/Palestine-Israel featuring a historical breadth and a range of genres – history, essays, graphic journalism, poetry, drama, scholarship, memoir, narrative nonfiction, lessons from organizing. This extensive (but by no means comprehensive, since that is impossible!) library represents some $500 worth of books, from classics (Edward Said) to this year’s Pulitzer for nonfiction (Nathan Thrall) to a hot-off-the-press volume (Vilkomerson and Wise). 

The books listed below are confirmed, and we’re waiting to hear about a few more. Thank you to Alisa Solomon for curating the library. 

  • Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire - Abuslim & Bing, eds.
  • Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique - Sa'ed Ashtan 
  • The Butterfly’s Burden - Mahmoud Darwish
  • Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine and the Foundations of a Movement - Angela Davis
  • Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege - Amira Hass
  • A Knock on the Roof - Khawla Ibrahim
  • After Oct 7th: A Jewish Currents Reader
  • The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi 
  • Wrestling w Zion: Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict - Tony Kushner & Alisa Solomon, eds.
  • The Necessity of Exile - Shaul Magid
  • Footnotes in Gaza - Joe Sacco 
  • The Question of Palestine - Edward Said
  • One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate - Tom Segev 
  • Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing Landscape Raja Shehadeh
  • A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy - Nathan Thrall
  • Solidarity Is the Political Version of Love: Lessons from Jewish Anti-Zionist Organizing - Rebecca Vilkomerson & Alissa Wise

Books donated by: Ayin Press, Copper Canyon Press, Haymarket Books, Jewish Currents, Metropolitan Books, Simon & Schuster, Sa’ed Ashtan, Rebecca Vilkomerson, Tony Kushner & Alisa Solomon.


Close Friends Collective Walking Tour ($5/ticket)

A two-hour walking tour exploring queer history on the Lower East Side, developed in partnership with the Henry Street Settlement and Bluestockings Bookstore and Cafe. For you and up to 9 others. Private tours are usually $300. The JFREJ staff did this tour in 2023 and loved it!