City Works: Re-Imagining Elder Care in America
JFREJ member Dr. Maggie Ornstein speaks on CUNY TV about family care-giving, long-term care, and the New York Caring Ma…
JFREJ member Dr. Maggie Ornstein speaks on CUNY TV about family care-giving, long-term care, and the New York Caring Ma…
JFREJ members and partners in the Caring Majority coalition held a sit-in at the NY State Capitol to demand Fair Pay fo…
Watch NEWS10's coverage of the Caring Majority campaign's final push to fully fund Fair Pay for Home Care in the New Yo…
All of our voices are needed to send a strong message to New York decision-makers that we must include Fair Pay for Hom…
JFREJ and the Caring Majority rally with Rep. Jamaal Bowman and NY faith leaders in support of Fair Pay for Home Care
Clergy and faith leaders from across New York State support Fair Pay for Home Care
From Inequality.org, Blogging Our Great Divide, Faces on the Frontlines: Two years into the Covid-19 pandemic, New York…
Testimony of Bobbie Sackman, Leader NY Caring Majority and Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
New York State faces the worst home care shortage in the nation — forcing older adults and disabled people into dangero…
JFREJ Caring Majority Leader Bobbie Sackman writes for The Forward why NY needs #FairPay4HomeCare
ABC7 Covers the Caring Majority relaunch of #FairPay4HomeCare in NYC
"Care is infrastructure. It doesn’t matter how sturdy a bridge is; you can’t cross it if you can’t leave the house.”