The NY Jewish Week: Eric Adams has deep ties to Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jews. Will he reach beyond them as mayor?
JFREJ gives comment to The Jewish Week about Adams Administration's recent hires: "Republicans, lobbyists and former Bl…
JFREJ gives comment to The Jewish Week about Adams Administration's recent hires: "Republicans, lobbyists and former Bl…
"JFREJ canvassers spread out in the neighborhood, offering bystanders tips on intervening when they see a hate crime an…
JFREJ Caring Majority Leader Bobbie Sackman writes for The Forward why NY needs #FairPay4HomeCare
The Bronx Social Justice & Anti-Violence Forums: Hunger Free America, Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, and More
ABC7 Covers the Caring Majority relaunch of #FairPay4HomeCare in NYC
"Care is infrastructure. It doesn’t matter how sturdy a bridge is; you can’t cross it if you can’t leave the house.”
"The Manhattan highways protest was organized by Sunrise Movement NYC, in collaboration with JFREJ, Extinction Rebellio…
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice joined Sunrise Movement NYC, Extinction Rebellion NYC, and Free Our Future NYC for t…
"The Bronx councilman struck a deal behind closed doors, agreeing to revise the bill so that NYPD officers would no lon…
New Yorkers Rally in Brooklyn to demand Schumer delivers on the care economy, immigration, housing, infrastructure, cli…
Rachel Schragis has grappled with Occupy Wall Street, Amazon, and climate change. Now, she's taken on antisemitism.
Watch the panel discussion hosted by Jewish Currents & Haymarket Books, ft. JFREJ Executive Director Audrey Sasson