HuffPost: Rabbis Stage Protest, Call For Cease-Fire Inside United Nations
Jewish groups in support of a cease-fire — including Rabbis for Ceasefire, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Jewish…
Jewish groups in support of a cease-fire — including Rabbis for Ceasefire, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Jewish…
ADL has only doubled down on initiatives defending Israel and the policies of the Israeli government amid criticism and…
Public fractures within Jewish communities provoked by Gaza genocide offer lessons—and paths forward—for progressives, …
The demonstrators demanded a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, an end to American military aid for Israel, and protection f…
On the first night of Hanukkah, which comes two months into the Israel-Hamas war, demonstrators mourned the Israelis an…
The group plastered the congressman's office on 9th Street in Park Slope with white paper doves to call for peace and a…
Hill Democrats, staring down an influential young bloc of their base voters infuriated by the party’s handling of the w…
A legion of sorrowful New Yorkers gathered outside of Congressmember Dan Goldman’s Lower Manhattan office on Tuesday mo…
The letter was organized by the Democratic Socialists of America and the leftist Jewish group Jews for Racial and Econo…
"Thirteen New York City politicians are in Israel this week for an all-expenses paid solidarity tour hosted by the Jewi…
JFREJ member Louisa Solomon writes an appeal to Rep. Gregory Meeks urging support for #CeasefireNOW
JFREJ member Abby Stein writes that "the united fights against antisemitism and against Islamophobia are absolutely ess…