The Guardian: ‘Everyone and their bubbie is here’: a lively Jewish Sabbath at a Palestinian restaurant in Brooklyn
‘Everyone and their bubbie is here’: a lively Jewish Sabbath at a Palestinian restaurant in Brooklyn Ayat, which has fa…
‘Everyone and their bubbie is here’: a lively Jewish Sabbath at a Palestinian restaurant in Brooklyn Ayat, which has fa…
The electoral arm of Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ) slams establishment organizations for their unprinciple…
"Jews for Racial & Economic Justice Action, a New York-based organization that claims 6,000 members and calls itself "t…
The electoral arm of Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ), which organized “Jews for Jamaal” and helped propel Bo…
“As Jews and as New Yorkers, we want real public safety for everyone who lives here. This includes New Yorkers of color…
“While hate violence, antisemitism, and Islamophobia are critical issues that New York State must address, expanding th…
As groups gain support, many on the left are looking to reconcile their concept of justice with their heritage
Jewish groups in support of a cease-fire — including Rabbis for Ceasefire, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Jewish…
Rabbis for Ceasefire Disrupt UN General Assembly Meeting, Hold Sit-In in Security Council Chambers, Tell Biden “Stop Ve…
ADL has only doubled down on initiatives defending Israel and the policies of the Israeli government amid criticism and…
The How Many Stops Act passes in the New York City Council with a veto-proof majority
Public fractures within Jewish communities provoked by Gaza genocide offer lessons—and paths forward—for progressives, …